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Friday, February 6, 2009


• Hypothermia begins when our core body temperature drops below 36 ºC.
• Hypothermia can be life threatening and must always be treated immediately.
Signs & Symptoms :
Mild Hypothermia
Shivering, Loss Of co-ordination, Confusion, Urge To Urinate
Severe Hypothermia
Shivering Ceases, Stumbling, Irrational Behaviour, Slow Irregular Heartbeat.
Do Not
Do Not Leave The Victim Alone.
Do Not Warm Victim With Hot Water
Do Not Give Victim Hot Liquids, Alcohol, Or Anything By Mouth
Do Not Allow The Victim To Move
Do Not Rub Or Manipulate The Extremities.
What to do
Minimise Further Heat Loss
Cover With Coats, Blankets, Survival Bag Etc.
If the victims clothing is wet then carefully remove it first.
Insulate Victim From Cold Floors Surfaces Etc.
If The Victim Is In Danger And Must Be Moved Do So Gently,
Keeping The Victim In A Horizontal Position.
Raise The Alarm - Seek Immediate Medical Attention
Frostbite occurs when the water in our skin tissue crystallizes and freezes causing abnormal function
and sensations.
Your Toes, Nose, Fingers and Ears are
most commonly at risk.
• Signs & Symptoms :
Cold, numb, or painful skin that becomes hard and waxy,
or white, as pain progresses.
Do Not
1. Do Not Rub Affected Area
2. Do Not Break Blisters
3. Do Not Give Victim Stimulants (Alcohol, Coffee, Tobacco)
4. Do Not Leave Victim Alone (Frostbite can lead to Hypothermia !)
5. Do Not Immerse Affected Body Part In Hot Water to re-warm, and Never use radiant heating (e.g. fire, radiators etc.), or dry heating (e.g. warming plate).
What to do
1. Move Victim To A Warm Area & Seek Medical Attention If Available.
2. Wrap Affected Body Part In Warm (37 ºC) Towels, or Put Affected Body Parts In Warm Water (37 ºC) Until Skin Becomes Flushed.
3. Alternatively, Re Warm The Affected Area By Skin - Skin Contact With A Non Injured Area Of The Victim, Or Another Person.
4. After Warming Keep Fingers & Toes Separated with Gauze.
5. Provide Warm / Sweet Fluids If Victim Is Awake
6. If Normal Sensations Have Not Returned Within 30 Mins Seek Immediate Professional Medical Attention.
7. Aftercare :
8. After First Aid Treatment it is advisable to seek Professional Medical attention in all cases.


  1. kunjungin blog saya yaaa..sebelum pindah

  2. Mas numpang tukeranlink. Linknya dah saya pasang. Coba cek ke Thanks.
